There is only one keyword to perform loops in Go: for. The implementation is very flexible. In this article, we’ll consider the various ways to use...
Docker volumes are very useful when we need to persist data in Docker containers or share data between containers. Docker volumes are important becau...
This article is about an experiment at Africa’s Talking on using Slack to manage our deployment process. Like many companies, we use Kubernetes ...
Serverless deployment, the intriguing topic grabbing a lot of attention from rookies and veterans alike in the tech ecosystem is finally here. In th...
Developers are usually caught in a dilemma when choosing between package managers to use in building and managing project dependencies. Two popular ...
In a previous article, we talked about Docker images but we could only use a small section to talk about Docker containers. Now, let’s go deeper. D...
Docker is a wonderful tool for many things. A few of them are; As a version control system for your entire app’s operating system by storing each...
Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as factors) to verify your identity. Two fact...
Laravel Mix provides a fluent API for defining Webpack build steps for your application using several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors. The ...
I build a lot of websites, and I run them in Docker containers. What happens is, I end up with URLs like this This is a problem becaus...
Now, most people who have built websites have included forms. Regular text elements, number, select (dropdown), checkboxes and radio buttons. The pro...
The slides for my speech at the 2nd Laravel Nigeria meetup.