Cron Job: Schedule Your Life

3 min read

My idea for the day. Real live cron jobs!

If you’re like me, then you hate doing repetitive menial tasks.

Laundry, gardening, even having to go get my hair cut.

There’s always something more important and I feel like I’m wasting precious time on these activities.

However, they must be done. I can’t afford to be dirty, keep a forest in front of my house or beat the world longest hair record.

Cron Jobs – The solution

Like in UNIX systems, we will set up a real live cron job. Set all these things on a schedule and they get done. On time. Every time.

The App CronJob allows you to set these on a schedule and get trusted people to do it for you.

  • A dry cleaner picks up your laundry ever Saturday.
  • Groceries are delivered every weekend.
  • A gardener comes by every 2 weeks.
  • The barber arrives on Saturday to make sure you start the week looking dope!
  • Many more opportunities.
  • Do you want your hair styled every 3 weeks?
  • Or perhaps you would like your generator serviced every month.
  • Your tutor comes during the holidays.
  • Your house repainted every 2 years.
  • Your holiday house is cleaned up the week before Christmas every year.

The Process

  • The user downloads the app.The user sets up a schedule for a service and clear instructions on how it is to be carried out.
  • The user sets up a schedule for a service and clear instructions on how it is to be carried out.
  • A beautiful calendar displays all the currently scheduled cron jobs and clicking on any will show the instructions.24 hours before the time for a cron job, the details of the
  • 24 hours before the time for a cron job, the details of the serviceman to carry out the cron jobwill be visible on the app.The user can request a different person before it is 12 hours to the task.
  • The user can request a different person for the next 12 hours.
  • When it is only 12hours left, the user will have to accept or cancel the cron job.
  • After the task is completed, the user will be able to rate and leave a review about the service man that completed the cron job.
  • Before a service is available in a certain area, the details of trusted service men in a selected area will be obtained and verified.

So, what do you think? Cool or Crap?

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